Where Hope Comes From
By Nikita Gill
It comes from heartache.
And it grows like the lone sapling
from the ashes of loss.
And it carves its way out
of the heavy heart of tragedy and its heavy cost.
And it rises like a soldier, thought lost,
returning home to his mother.
And it smiles like the calm, clear sky
following weeks of one storm after another.
And maybe this is why, when Pandora
opened the box that carried such calamities,
which afflicted all of mankind,
gentle hope emerged from there, too.
What else helps us
overcome suffering
if not giving hope
a chance to bloom?
As we journey into the new year of 2025, are you giving hope a chance to bloom?
Are you feeling hopeful about the new year? Hopeful that you’ll have a good year? Hopeful you’ll accomplish your goals and manifest the dream you have? Hopeful you’ll keep your New Year’s resolutions? Hopeful that the world will experience more love and peace?

What is hope?
Hope is a feeling that we have of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. When we cultivate hope in our lives, we experience a sense of light and optimism where there could be darkness or despair.
Hope doesn’t mean that you don’t experience difficulties in your life or that you’re always happy. Hope means that you have chosen to perceive a situation in a broader sense in the context of life and seek the light within it. You recognize that there is joy and suffering in the world and you choose to hold onto the light in the darkness.
Hope can shine like a lighthouse at sea helping us to find our way through the storms in our lives. It even can help us appreciate the moments of joy we do have.
Hope is best cultivated while you’re in a place of ease, not challenge. Then you’ll be able to call upon this when you encounter the inevitable difficulties that will arise in the future. Here are 4 ways to get started:
Trust in the Divine- Endeavor to have trust in the Divine and that everything you need in life will be provided. Trust that your life has a purpose and that you’re meant to share your gifts with the world. Spend time in prayer and meditation to strengthen your connection to the spirit world.
Connect with Others with a Positive Outlook– You’ll be able to better cultivate hope when you surround yourself with people who approach the world in a positive way. That doesn’t mean that you completely ignore the challenges that arise. By being around people who have a positive outlook on life, you’ll more easily stay in this space, giving you hope. Removing yourself from environments that are filled with negativity will help you maintain hope.
Engage in Service to Others- When we step out to be of service to others through volunteering or offering our skills to help, we feel a connection to what is bigger than ourselves in the world. We experience meaning and purpose in this exchange of giving and receiving. It warms our heart and brings us joy. This is nourishment to our soul, giving us hope for the future.
Practice Gratitude – When we take time to be grateful for what we have in our lives, our outlook on life shifts to one of abundance and positivity. How lucky we are to have such gifts! This gives us hope for our future.

When we bring hope in our lives, we experience light and optimism even in the midst of darkness. May the light of hope shine into the new year of 2025 for you no matter what comes your way!
Faith's two-edged sword; Brave, bold and sharp
Like a streak of sun through the darkest cloud
Are you looking for more support in working through life’s challenges? Or perhaps anxiety, frustration or negativity has crept into your days? Are you longing for a deeper sense of purpose, connection, and balance? Then join us for our upcoming virtual retreat: DIVINSITY.