The last 1 ½ years have been a tumultuous journey for us. Fear, anxiety, grief, loneliness, and/or anger have probably come to visit each and every one of us at some point during this time.
And…we are all in this together!
As these feelings rise up in our hearts, we can try to remember that they are a sign of our interconnectedness with life all around us - in our community and on this earth. We are human, and feelings are a natural part of being human.
Yet, feelings can overwhelm us, leaving us in a place of darkness, feeling like we can barely keep our heads above water, if at all.
Remaining in a place of darkness and despair won’t help us in manifesting our soul’s purpose in the world.
But, finding a way to break through to find the light once again isn’t always easy!
Do you want to connect with a way to breakthrough? Join us in our new webinar to discover more about 3 Keys to Live Your Dreams: Open to Community, Breakthrough and Clarity. We’d love to see you manifest the dreams that live in your soul!
There is a wellspring of joy that lives within us, if only we can remember this! It’s just waiting for us to open the door and shine its light upon us.
But how do we move from a place of pain and darkness into opening this door and reconnecting with joy?
That word “move” is the key! We MOVE!
Think of an activity that you enjoy doing. Not a sedentary one such as reading. But one where your body moves in some way.
Maybe it is hiking or walking in nature.
Maybe gardening or cooking or dancing.
Maybe painting or drawing. Or something else.
What is it for you?
Whatever that activity is that you enjoy, do it. And while you’re doing it, take that pain that you’re feeling and put it into the movement.
Maybe your grief is released into the soil of Mother Earth as you garden.
Maybe your anger is painted with vivid color on a piece of paper.
The key is… as you MOVE this pain that you’ve been holding within, you’ll begin to let it go. It’ll move from your heart out through your limbs, your feet, your hands.
Let it go. Let it be released.
As this weight is moved and released, you’ll begin to relax. You’ll have a space where you can open to what’ll come to you. An awareness of that eternal wellspring of joy that is within.
And once you feel that awareness, joy will start to bubble up within. You’ll feel lighter and the way that you MOVE will change.
A transformation is happening. A spark has been ignited that’s bringing light to shine into the darkness. The pain is being transformed from one state to a new one, like compost in a garden.
Allow the shift to arise. Allow the wellspring of joy to bubble up. Let the joy move through your hands, feet, limbs, and your whole being.
You may notice how your movements transform, your mood changes… other subtle shifts may happen.
Stay with it and tap into the power of joy! It’ll support you on the next steps of the journey of your soul’s purpose in the world.
Join us in our new webinar to discover more about 3 Keys to Live Your Dreams: Open to Community, Breakthrough and Clarity. We’d love to see you manifest the dreams that live in your soul!